What is Pediatric Dentistry?
Pediatric Dentistry specializes in the caring of all dental conditions for children and adolescents. The job of a pediatric dentist is to assess and diagnose the dental condition of your child. An experienced pediatric dentist will propose the best course of action that suits your child, by making sure that the recommended treatment goes along with the child’s emotional stage and medical history.
Not all pediatric dentists are the same. At Miami Children’s Smiles, Dr. Asensi with more than 20 years of experience will give you the service you deserve.
How do we do it?
It is her job to match the clinical condition of your child to the proper delivery of service, while keeping it simple and fun. Many factors come into play such as: Type of dental restoration, time required or number of visits to complete treatment, the emotional state of your child on the day of treatment and the overall emotional state moving forward in years to come. Please visit Ours Results section for a better understanding of this approach.